Sure looks like Spring.
Sure smells like Spring.
Think I'll stay indoors a little longer. Since you're here, are you interested in learning something new?
A few favorite stylists and photographer friends have inspired me to look at my photos in a different light. Question ~ like me, do you ever find that when you take a photo, you sometimes miss the details that can make or break a great shot by simply looking through the viewfinder or squinting at the LCD panel on the back of your camera?
Here's the something new ~ I recently discovered that I can instantly view the shot that I just snapped, on the 9.7-inch screen of my iPad!
All you need is Apple's $29 iPad Camera Connection Kit and you're on your way to saving time & shooting like a pro!
Are you thinking that I figured this out on my own? Hardly.
I downloaded Jeff Carlson's book, The iPad For Photographers. In very plain English, he discusses this and many other clever uses for iPads including triggering the camera shutter remotely, using the screen as a fill flash, calculating depth of field, tracking outdoor light conditions, and most important, storing camera manuals as PDFs for quick reference when you're out on location, or at your kitchen table.
If you love your iPad and enjoy taking pictures with your digital camera, you'll find the book to be a fun and informative read. It doesn't teach you how to use an iPad or how to be a great photographer but it does cover many ways to use your iPad to streamline and make photography more fun. Thank you, Jeff Carlson!
See! Things are already looking brighter!
Might be time to go outdoors now ~
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.