If you're a regular visitor here, then you probably know that instead of writing about the latest & greatest of the moment, I prefer to write from my heart about the other side of the moment ~ the quieter side. I write this blog from our home, in the heart of the Bluegrass ~ Lexington, Kentucky.
Horses are my husband's business and the reason we are here ~
He comes from out west, Arizona to be exact. Raised in a horse-loving family, he started early, mucking stalls, cleaning tack and riding Western on Porter saddles ~ made by his great-grandfather, Newton Porter.
Speaking of…I love this photo that he snapped of groom Raul Rodriguez and his best friend, California Chrome ~ Taken after his Derby win, they were waiting to board the plane for the flight to Maryland.
Out of the limelight, on the other side, Raul is the private groom to California Chrome and plays a vital role in the daily health and well-being of this sweet & often smiling horse.
This morning I was reading the Twitter feed of Claire Novak who is the Online Features Editor at BloodHorse.com and I was moved by her wonderful video below. The short film beautifully documents my message about the vital role that Raul Rodriguez plays, out of all the limelight, on the other side, in the daily life of California Chrome.
If you are unable to view this video on your mobile device, click here. I'd hate for you to miss it!
After the video, I'd love to tell you a more personal story that I published 4 years ago about how lovingly these gentle animals give back. Our daughter will tell you, "There is nothing better than hearing a rider speak their first words while on horseback, or sharing the amazement of a student as they touch the soft nose of their equine partner for the very first time."
Read more of her story on The Quiet Side.
Happy trails ~