
Paul Bangay

Not your average "Bush."

Paul Bangay
Today it is a balmy 15 degrees in Lexington.
Perfect blogging weather wouldn't you say?
I am faithful.....

Spring will indeed come to my garden.
My large loyal boxwoods stand firmly at attention

as they appear to be
the only thing alive on my property.

So I'm planning.

I'm thinking that the boxwoods deserve a fresh "do" so that the spring tulips don't get all the attention.

Turning the pages of Paul Bangay's

Garden Design Handbook
for inspiration and I'm certain that with his help,
we will look spiffy for Spring!

Have a look at these other inspiring gardens

and the wonderful architecture

that can be achieved with these little green bushes.

Happy Gardening

to you and to all my family & friends out west!

What a nice little family.
This might be just the ticket!
If I had these guys then I could finally retire
my Bush For President yard sign!

I can't help it.
I am an impassioned Texan.
This first lady proves that just like before, there is life after the White House.